Blocked Nose Surgery In Dubai

Blocked Nose Surgery In Dubai

When do I need the Blocked Nose Surgery?

Are you experiencing persistent issues with a blocked nose, particularly at night? Nasal blockage can significantly impact your quality of life, making it difficult to breathe properly and get a good night’s sleep. If you’ve tried various remedies and treatments without success, it may be time to consider blocked nose surgery.

Blocked nose surgery in Dubai, also known as nasal surgery or septoplasty, is a procedure designed to address the underlying causes of nasal blockage and improve airflow. It is typically recommended for individuals with chronic nasal congestion, recurrent sinus infections, or structural abnormalities in the nasal passage, such as a deviated septum.

This surgical intervention of nasal obstruction surgery can help alleviate nasal blockage, restore proper breathing, and provide long-lasting relief.

Blocked Nose Surgery, nasal obstruction

Before opting for blocked nose surgery, it is essential to consult with an experienced ENT specialist, DrΒ  Levente, who can evaluate your condition and determine if the procedure is appropriate for you. He will assess the severity of your symptoms, conduct a thorough examination, and discuss the potential benefits and risks of the surgery.

Seek professional guidance for your blocked nose surgery in Dubai and take the first step towards breathing freely again. Contact Dr Levente!

Before your surgery

Waking up after the surgery - the first 24 hours

Following nasal surgery, most of our patients are amazed by how little pain they experience. The inability to breathe through the nose for the first 8 hours is the most common concern

During recovery, the head of the bed will be slightly elevated, and an ice gel will be placed around your eyes and forehead. Fluids will be provided as soon as possible to refuel the body.Β 

The nose could be blocked, depending on the surgical method, but all the packs will be removed within 12 hours postoperatively. Do not blow your nose after the surgery for 7 days.

Blocked Nose2

The first week at home

  • After a couple of hours after the procedure, you can go home and based on the procedure type, the follow up is either 72 hours or 7 days after.Β 
  • You may get a bloodstained/pinkish discharge for two days, but it will settle down after a proper nasal irrigation with nasal saline.Β 
  • It is normal for the nose to feel blocked for several days and up to two weeks after the surgery, as the internal swelling settles.
  • The provided peroxide will help you to clean your nostrils.
  • Irrigation of the nose with saline every three hours is mandatory for fast recovery.
  • Fucidine ointments should be applied three times daily for 7 days after the nasal cleaning.
  • Please don’t blow your nose and avoid any exercise which would increase your heart rate.
  • During the healing time, it is advised to avoid form very hot baths and showers.
  • Direct sun exposure and a smoky & dusty atmosphere should be avoided.

Breathe easy, with Dr Levente Deak at The Right Nose-.

Some Questions That You May Have!

Nasal obstruction treatment varies depending on the cause of the blockage. Methods include medication, nasal sprays, or surgery. In some cases nasal obstruction surgery, like septoplasty or turbinectomy, are commonly recommended, aiming to clear or correct the obstructed pathways in the nose.

Recovery time can vary but typically spans from one to two weeks for minor procedures. Patients might experience mild discomfort, swelling, and the need for follow-up visits to ensure proper healing. It’s important to follow the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions closely for optimal recovery.

Nasal surgery can range from minor to major, depending on the extent of the obstruction and the required procedure. Simple corrections, like septoplasty, are considered outpatient and minimally invasive. More complex surgeries involving structural alterations or addressing multiple issues may be categorized as major surgery.

Fixing a nasal airway obstruction involves diagnosing the underlying cause and then determining the appropriate treatment. Options include lifestyle changes, medical treatments such as decongestants or antihistamines, and surgical interventions. The treatment depends on obstruction, its cause, and the patient’s overall health.