Fat grafting for facial volumising

Fat grafting for facial volumising

Enhance the structure of the face

Artistic procedure, multilayered infiltration, which follows the natural facial contour

and reestablish the youthful facial proportions.

Facial volumising with Facial fat grafting in Dubai

One of the key factors during ageing is the loss of volume on the face. The young face lacks depression, and no counter irregularity and the light reflection is smooth. The first sign of ageing is the under-the-skin volume reduced. Therefore refilling these storages will help you to restore your beauty. The advantage of fat transfer is this is your own materials, totally natural. The micro/ nano fat refilling nicely can be combined with other facial contouring procedures.

The best candidate for facial rejuvenation is the early – mid-forties patient who does not need a facelift yet.

Ideal space for injection on the face

How is Micro fat grafting performed?

The fat had been harvested from the lower belly region through aspiration followed by purification. Each compartment of the face has a special technique to reach and fill up the region. The key is to know the anatomy and place the fat that way, how it can not travel to some unwanted region. Every time some minor absorption can occur as a natural process.

Post-operative care for the first 2 days

  • No taping of face, only ice gel mask for 48 hours
  • Head elevation with limited motion of the face
  • Warm pack around the faceΒ  after three days
  • Arnica montana

What to expect after the surgery?

Significant oedema for at least 7 days and up to 6 months oedema will settle. Also minor pressure/ pain sensation mostly at the harvested region. The injected fat needs one year to be fully part of your body.

Why choose Dr Levente Deak for fat grafting in Dubai?

Choose Dr Levente Deak for fat grafting in Dubai for unparalleled expertise and personalised care. With extensive training and experience in facial rejuvenation techniques, Dr Levente combines artistry with advanced surgical skills to achieve natural-looking results.

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Facial fat grafting in Dubai, also known as fat transfer to the face, involves harvesting fat from one part of the body and injecting it into the face to restore volume, improve contours, and rejuvenate the skin. This procedure is commonly performed in Dubai to achieve natural-looking results and enhance facial aesthetics.

Fat injections in the face offer several advantages, including long-lasting results, minimal risk of allergic reactions (as it uses the patient’s own fat), and the ability to address multiple areas of concern simultaneously. Additionally, fat grafting can provide more natural-looking and harmonious results compared to synthetic fillers.

During a fat transplant to the face procedure, the surgeon will first harvest fat from a donor site using liposuction techniques. The harvested fat is then processed and purified before being injected into targeted areas of the face to restore volume and improve contours. The procedure is typically performed under local anaesthesia, and downtime is minimal.

Like any surgical procedure, fat augmentation in the face carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, asymmetry, and the potential for overcorrection or under-correction. However, these risks are minimised when the procedure is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr Levente Deak in Dubai.

While some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body in the months following the procedure, the remaining fat typically establishes blood supply and becomes permanent. However, factors such as ageing and weight fluctuations can affect the longevity of results. To maintain the results of facial fat grafting, healthy lifestyle habits and occasional touch-up procedures may be recommended by your surgeon.